Stone County Food Pantry
What’s the deal with this new Food Pantry?
Where is the Food Pantry?
The Food Pantry will operate out of the:
4 Ozark Seniors Resource Center
16585 MO-13 Suite O
Branson West, MO
What do I need to receive food?
A State Issued ID
Proof of Residence in Stone County, MO.
What sorts of items are provided?
Personal Hygiene Items
Paper Goods
Laundry Detergent
and access to additional resources beyond food.
What is the 4 Ozark Seniors Resource Center?
The 4 Ozark Seniors Resource Center was founded in January, 2024. While our full roll-out is scheduled for August, 2024; we wanted to begin the process of making food available to those it could help. We currently offer access to resources through partnerships within the community. In addition, we will begin offering Senior classes in the summer and much more to come!
Will I have to provide Proof of Income?
No. We believe that those that ask for help, should be able to receive it. You will not be asked for verification of your income.
Do I have to sign-up or join anything?
No. There is no sign-up required and you won’t be asked to join anything. Your name and address will be registered, only because individuals can only receive a distribution once a month.
Who is Christian Action Ministries?
CAM is an incredible organization, having provided over 2Million pounds of food IN 2022 ALONE. This Beacon of Hope has been shining brightly in peoples’ lives since 1984. Their amazing origin story can be read here, If you’d like to learn more about this wonderful organization, or would like to get involved in helping the community - Click here to check to see their website!
Do I have to be a resident of Stone County?
Yes. While CAM does have programs available in Taney County, this pantry is limited to those who reside in Stone County.
Is there an age requirement?
No. The Stone County Food Pantry is open to people of all ages, marital statuses, genders, races, and religions.